Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Article Round Up: Hugs, Fudge, and Better Sleep

With so much traveling and being busy with work I've been reading a lot of articles but not sharing as many with you here or on facebook. These are a few of my favorites that I've run across in the past month or so. I hope you enjoy!

10 Reasons Why We Need at Least 8 Hugs a Day (MindBodyGreen) I think the title basically says it all. I'm personally a BIG fan of hugs. I grew up in a family where we give hugs all the time; sometimes to say hello and goodbye but usually for no reason at all other than to just hug. There have been times in my life when I haven't been around a lot of people who hug and I notice how much hugs mean to me when I start craving them. 

Almond Coconut Fudge (Joyful Belly) This sound so yummy!!! Not the best sweet treat to have during the summer because it aggravates Pitta (fire in the body). But it will be very ground in the fall! Keep it in mind for later or try it in a small amount now.

Meditation in Action: A 10-Step Mindfulness Practice For Better Sleep  (Huffington Post)
I've started taking an online course taught by a Rhodes University professor about mindfulness and improving sleep is one of the topics. I hope this helps you get a better nights sleep next time you are laying in bed telling yourself you are going to be tired the next day if you don't fall asleep now. Enjoy!

Question of the Day: Have you read anything interesting recently?

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