On Thursday September 13, 2012 Steve and I drove to Round Rock, TX (just north of Austin) to get our newest family member: Ollie. He was living with his foster moms for the past month after he was found wandering around San Antonio. He was very happy to come to his new home with us are we are SO happy to have him.
We adopted Ollie through
Gold Ribbon Rescue. First we had to submit an application and then did a phone interview. The next step was a house visit where one of the GRR volunteers came to our house to make sure our house wasn't falling down, our yard had a good fence, and we were trustworthy people. We passed the home visit and were put in touch with the matchmakers. Our matchmaker called on Sunday night and asked if there were any dogs listed on their adoption page that we were interested in. I had been looking at the adoption list for the past two months and Ollie was the only one who we liked who was still on the list when we got the call. She said that Ollie was still available and based on our application and what we were looking for she thought it would be a good fit.

Ollie's foster mom called on Sunday night and we set up a time to meet Ollie on Thursday. She gave us a little information about Ollie like that he was very energetic, liked to drink out of the toilet, eats fast, likes to counter surf, and the type of food he's been eating. After we talked to her we started getting things ready for Ollie. We bought a bag of the dog food he has been eating, a crate (she said he did best when left alone in the crate), a leash, dog bowls, and a dog bed.

On Thursday Steve and I drove down after he was done with work. Of course it was raining, actually pouring, for the first time in a month. When I left home a year ago I didn't bring any umbrellas because I was moving to the desert and we forgot our rain coats at home so we showed up a little wet but Ollie didn't care. We arrived at the house while he was out with one of his foster mom's. We talked to the other mom and the coordinator about the contract we would sign for Ollie. After about 10 minutes Ollie showed up! He came into the house very happy that there were new people to meet. He came around and said hello to everyone. Then Steve and I went and sat on the floor so we could pet and getting kisses from him. He laid right down on the floor with us and couldn't stop smiling and giving us kisses. He loved having his belly rubbed. After another fifteen minutes we were signing the contract to make Ollie officially ours. We put the leash on him and headed to the car. He sat in the back with Steve while I drove home. He did fine in the car once he settled down and put his head in Steve's lap. When we got home we fed him dinner and then played on the floor.

We are so excited to have Ollie in our family and can't wait to getting to know him better!
**All these pictures are from his foster family.
Welcome Ollie!! Your cousin Birdie can't wait to meet you! Love that you rescued him.