Paschimottanasana literally translates to Intense Stretch of the West. It implies that the whole back of the body, from the head to the heels in getting stretched. The front of the body is considered the eastern side and the back of the body is the western side.
After a few breaths slowly walk your hands down your legs bringing your chest towards your feet. You can hold onto your legs, feet, big toes, or reach around your feet to clasp your hands.
The trick to doing this pose is to make sure your goal isn't to get your nose to your knees but instead to focus on tilting your hips to bring your lower back towards the ground. This will keep the focus of the stretch on your hamstrings, while giving a slight stretch to your back muscles. Make sure to focus on your breath. Feel your lungs filling up your back as you inhale and the stretch becoming deeper as your exhale. You can hold this pose for anywhere from a few breaths to 5 minutes. The longer you hold it the deeper the stretch.
Benefits: Improves digestion; relieves stress and mild depression; stimulates liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus; soothes headaches; reduces symptoms relating to menopause and menstrual discomfort
Warnings: If you have a back injury only do this pose with an experienced teacher.

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